Privacy Policy

Aiwin Media ensures that all personal information submitted to us (to be used for record and billing purposes), inclusive, but not limited to, credit card and other personal information, will be kept strictly confidential and used solely by us, our authorized representatives and employees, for the strict purpose for which it was intended, and for the benefit of the Client.




Aiwin Media provides web hosting to numerous clients which means that we have a responsibility to protect each client and to provide the best services available. But we have limitations.




Aiwin Media shall not be responsible for any claimed damages, including incidental and consequential damages, which may arise from Aiwin Media servers going off-line or being unavailable for any reason whatsoever. Further, Aiwin Media shall not be responsible for any claimed damages, including incidental or consequential damages, resulting from the corruption or deletion of any web site from one of Aiwin Media servers. All damages shall be limited to the immediate termination of service.

Aiwin Media shall be the sole arbiter of what is and is not a violation of the acceptable use policies. Aiwin Media reserves the right to terminate an account at any time and for any reason that causes harm to any Aiwin Media customer's web sites. Aiwin Media reserves the right to delete all content and files upon termination. Aiwin Media reserves the right to withhold any pre-paid funds for any site removed for violations of these policies. Aiwin Media reserves the right to refuse, cancel, or suspend service at our sole discretion.

Aiwin Media reserves the right to change these Policies without prior notice or warning. Non-enforcement of any part of these Policies does not constitute consent. Clients should review these Policies every two weeks for changes and additions. Violations of these Policies should be referred to All complaints will be investigated promptly.

File Backup Storage and Security:

You shall be solely responsible for undertaking measures to: (1) prevent any loss or damage to your website or server content; (2) maintain independent archival and backup copies of your website or server content; and (3) ensure the security, confidentiality and integrity of all your website or server content transmitted through or stored on our servers.

The users are responsible for files in their hosting account. So they must backup their important files in local pc, If your account is terminated /suspended because of breaking our TOS, then we cannot provide you, your files. So, all users are requested to take their account's backup regularly. We are NOT responsible for any file loss / modifications in your account due to hacking / illegal activity problems.

Website/Server Content. You shall be solely responsible for providing, updating, uploading and maintaining your website or server and any and all files, pages, data, works, information and/or materials on, within, displayed, linked or transmitted to, from or through your website or server including, but not limited to, trade or service marks, images, photographs, illustrations, graphics, audio clips, video clips, email or other messages, meta tags, domain names, software and text. You acknowledge and agree that in the course of providing you with technical assistance, it may be necessary for our support staff to modify, alter or remove the content of your hosted product. Your website or server content shall also include any registered domain names provided by you or registered on behalf of you in connection with the Services.

Backup File Storage:

For the maximum performance and for getting sufficient storage space for all the users, a user may not store the backup of their site in this server. Users can generate backup and download it to their pc within 24 hrs.




Customer is solely responsible for making back-up copies of the Customer Web site and Customer Content.

You are responsible for your backups and web content. We create our own weekly backups, and can restore your web, email and database content from those per your request. However, this is NOT a procedure you should rely on to keep copies of your content safe; we recommend you make your own backups. You can take a backup from your cPanel or better, use a remote backup solution.

You can use the control panel provided to backup and restore your site files and entire account.

You can also use the phpMyAdmin tool to export/import your MySQL(i) databases.

We strongly suggest that your backup your site files, databases and Emails and any other data regularly to avoid data loss in case of any major server failure or system corruption. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to recover your account in case of data corruption or system failure.

In case of any major unrecoverable server failure, Aiwin Media will provide an alternate solution within 24-48 hrs. Aiwin Media will not be responsible for any data loss in case of an unrecoverable damage due to Hardware or software failure. It is the responsibility of the control panel holder to take and keep day to day backup.

Because the Services permit Customer to electronically transmit or upload content directly to the Customer Web site, Customer shall be fully responsible for uploading all content to the Customer Web site and supplementing, modifying and updating the Customer Web site, including all back-ups. Customer is also responsible for ensuring that the Customer Content and all aspects of the Customer Web site are compatible with the hardware and software used by Company to provide the Services. Aiwin Media shall not be responsible for any damages to the Customer Content, the Customer Web site or other damages or any malfunctions or service interruptions caused by any failure of the Customer Content or any aspect of the Customer Web site to be compatible with the hardware and software used by Company to provide the Services.


Payment Dues


All hosting accounts will be suspended the next day of payment due date and will terminate after 7 days from the due date if the payment is not received, unless otherwise there is a hold.


Service Abuse Terms & Conditions


Below are terms that can suspend your account due to abuse on our servers.

Please remember you are on a shared server and everyone is entitled to the server resources. This is a guideline for the users of shared hosting solutions at Aiwin Media and we will work with you so that you are not in violations of these terms.


CGI Scripts


Any scripts that pose a potential security risk or are deemed to be adversely affecting server performance or network integrity will be shut down or will be automatically removed without prior notice. Aiwin Media does not permit CGI script sharing with domains not hosted by Aiwin Media or any scripts that may be abused for UCE purposes.


Unlimited Hosting Space/Bandwidth


What does 'Unlimited' really mean? Does it mean that you can put up whatever you like on your website and no one will object? That isn't the case, really. Unless you are using Dedicated Servers, a normal hosting package uses shared resources i.e. multiple users share hosting packages on the same server. As technology & the capabilities of our servers continue to grow, we can continually allow you to do more with your hosting package and its bandwidth. This means that we can offer practically unlimited resources for legitimate users of our hosting products who use them for the right purposes. The way shared hosting is sold has undergone substantial changes over the years. In earlier times hosting companies and consumers would obsess over every single parameter, i.e., # of database accounts, # of FTP accounts, amount of bandwidth, amount of disk space, number of i-nodes, etc. But with today's robust technology, we can afford to declare all parameters unlimited because in theory we can afford to offer nearly limitless resources to most customers who choose to host with us. Selling hosting as unlimited is a way of letting the legitimate consumer know that they don't have to sit and calculate what each parameter does ? they can just buy the unlimited package and it will work for them. This is how the industry has evolved over time. What does 'Unlimited' not permit? Every hosting package comes with a set of AUPs that must be agreed upon before purchase of the package is complete. Listed below are some specific examples of things that are not allowed: File upload / sharing / archive / backup / mirroring / distribution sites. A site created primarily to drive traffic to another site. Making your account resources available (whether for free or paid) to the general public. In the event the bandwidth, number of websites or disk space usage of your website presents a risk to the stability, performance or uptime of our servers, data storage, networking or other infrastructure, you may be required to upgrade to a VPS or Dedicated Server, or we may take action to restrict the resources your website is utilizing. Our shared and reseller hosting accounts do come with unlimited hosting space/bandwidth. But we start each account with a set limit but as you need grow, simply contact us to request additional resources and we will increase it to whatever you need. This new plan allows us to create more efficient use of our servers and provide better, faster, and more efficient hosting for our customers. Please note hosting space is intended for hosting and not intended for online backup, storage device for multimedia content such as movies, music, photos, or other media. Any use of our hosting service in this manner will be considered a violation of our terms of use and will result in automatic suspension of the hosting account without any prior notification.


Software Distribution


Aiwin Media Web Hosting and Ecommerce accounts are not configured for the purposes of distributing software and/or multimedia products. This includes but is not limited to file sharing, torrents, warez, and pirated material.


Multimedia Files


Multimedia files are defined as any graphics, audio, and video files. Aiwin Media Web Hosting and Ecommerce accounts are not to be used for the purposes of distributing and storing multimedia files. Any Web site using the space for storing multimedia files will be considered violating our terms of use and will result in deletion of such files and/or automatic suspension of the hosting account.


CPU and Memory Limit


All accounts will be only allowed to use 10% of CPU and Memory and cannot exceed a session longer than 10 min. This includes all database uses, email, cron jobs, and any FTP sessions.


Email Limitation


Outgoing emails are limited to 200 per hour or 2000 per day whichever is reached first. This limitation is per hosting account.


Spam Policy


Sending unsolicited bulk and/or commercial messages over the Internet (known as "spamming") is prohibited, regardless of whether or not it overloads a server or disrupts service to Aiwin Media customers. The term "spamming" also includes, but is not limited to, maintaining an open SMTP policy, engaging in spamming using the service of another ISP or IPP and referencing in the spam a Web site hosted on an Aiwin Media server, and selling or distributing software (on a Web site residing on a Aiwin Media server) that facilitates spamming. Violators will face immediate suspension. Aiwin Media reserves the right to determine, in its sole and absolute discretion, what constitutes a violation of this provision.


Delivery of Services


We aim to deliver all goods as soon as signup is complete. If we will be unable to adhere to this you will be informed via email or Mobile or both. Payment will be deducted when services are delivered.

Immediately upon successful payment you will receive an automated receipt from our systems. Please print an retain a copy of this and retain in a safe place for future reference.

Your unique customer username will be on this receipt and should be used for enquires to Aiwin Media.

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